Evolution is a wonderful thing

Before Covid hit I was looking to plan something special for my wife's 50th birthday. Eventually, she decided she wanted to do something involving wildlife. From my research it was interesting to see how attitudes to animals have changed in recent years. Riding elephants, swimming with dolphins and being swathed in a docile reptile used to be a staple for holiday makers in warmer climates. But slowly the education has seeped into tourism. Tourists are recognising that behind their five minutes of pleasure is a lifetime of cruelty and captivity. Similarly, the purveyors are learning, albeit more slowly, that tourists will often pay more to sustain an animal than exploit it. 

We decided it would be nice to see animals in their natural habitat and so a safari was booked. Thanks to the dreaded Covid it was postponed but hopefully it will happen this year. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining, and the delay meant I could treat myself to some new camera equipment. Looking for a zoo to test drive my new toys I came across several comments about zoos. It was interesting how many people wanted a blanket ban on zoos, condemning them as cruel, oppressive, exploitative cages purely for the convenience wealthy voyeurs. There seemed to be no consideration of the welfare programmes undertaken by such establishments. Opponents weren't interested in how many species survived thanks to the efforts of the zoological community. And there was certainly no belief that people may become better educated and considerate after see such animals up close. 
When I read those opinions I was reminded of the great strides against animal exploitation that have already been taken... and the many more still needed. 
I don't have all the answers but I don't believe closing all zoos and limiting animal access only to the very wealthy or television shows is the best way to go. There has to be an acceptable meeting point that allows the public to learn, animals to thrive and compromise to be achieved. 


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