Wow, doesn't time fly? I was having a little clean up on the computer and came across my own blog. Cold, abandoned and unused for 10 years, to say I've been a bit remiss is an understatement worthy of Boris Johnson.
Just chillin'
Around the same time Dagenham Dustbin fell off the radar I changed jobs. It's not really an explanation just background. With my departure from the wonderful world of PR my own interest in social media dropped to a certain extent. This blog was only ever meant as a self-serving release for my non-existent creativity so I didn't expect anybody to read it, although my piece on Luis Michael Training did help bring a wider exposure to the criminal shenanigans of former footballer and all round lowlife Mark Aizlewood.
In recent years the debacle of Brexit (I don't care if you're Leave or Remain it was way too complicated to be promoted and decided by lies, misinformation and a 'It'll be alright later' attitude') and Covid have filled many inches of press and there's nothing I can really add. Thankfully, after two years of uncertainty and erratic regulation, the restrictions eased and travel resumed.
Hamburg Town Hall
The phrase 'new normal' entered the vocabulary in response to Covid and, with no official definition, pretty much seemed to represent any government flip-flopping and knee jerk policymaking in the face of something they didn't understand and a public hell bent on either being scared of every sneeze or an attitude of 'you may die but I shouldn't have to wear a mask'. On the tail end of this a deranged lunatic in the Kremlin decided his popularity needed a boost and promptly started a war that ultimately he cannot win. Putin's ill-thought actions cost the lives of thousands, cost the planet billions and only served to spread further fear and misery whilst alienating Russia and strengthening Nato.
But in all this doom and gloom the occasional torch still stood out. At a grass roots level communities came together. Working from home became normal. Employees started to realise the importance of work life balance, much to the chargrin of some millionnaire bosses who seemed to think only they should enjoy such privilege. A combination of Brexit and Covid resulted in a staff shortage, giving employees an upper hand not seen in decades. And the nation, even republicans, seemed to rejoice as Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, celebrated her Platinum Jubilee and a party spirit engulfed the country.
Amazing what you see when your 'office' is your living room
To quote from The Matrix: "I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end." - But I can say things change and over the next few years all of us will feel it. Me? I'll plod on, taking photographs, writing my drivel on here and posting more often. Or maybe I won't and the next post will take another ten years 😜
Be kind, be safe.
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