Every Cloud...

In these difficult times it's easy to feel down and that the world is a harsh, cold place. But the vast majority of people are decent, law abiding and can achieve great things. Today, many of them gathered in Basildon, Essex to raise money to help fight cancer. Race for Life is Cancer Research UK's series of fundraisers and today my wife and a couple of friends joined hundreds of others to run, walk and crawl their way through the five kilometre "Pretty Muddy".

A party atmosphere surrounds the event and participants are encouraged to enjoy the event rather than set some kind of race record. Costumes are varied and the 'pink' of CRUK is evident everywhere. 

As a loyal husband and friend I went along to offer support (ie too lazy to run it myself 😉) and take a few snaps. Cancer is an emotive subject and many of those fundraising, including my wife, were doing so in memory of lost loved ones. Despite that there was no air of solemnity, no melancholy, just a warmth and happiness that permeated the event.

All the participants seemed to have fun and I know wifey and friends did. We spent a lovely morning together, raised over £400 for charity and are already planning on a return next year.

But first, we need a shower and do the laundry...


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